A Day in the Life of a Preacher’s Wife (part 1)

No two days are the same, that’s for certain. There are good days and bad days, happy days and sad days, days bustling with people and days of loneliness. Through the years, my personality has changed. We have been visiting one of my high school teachers in the hospital, and more than once he has asked me, “How have you changed since high school?” His question prompted my thinking. Hopefully, or thankfully, most don’t recognize the difference. I diligently put on my happy face in every situation. My job title, pastor’s wife, encompasses a broad array of expectations. I purpose myself to remain constant, offer encouragement, and bring peace, if at all possible. 

How have I changed? 

There is no short answer to this question.

I spent the majority of my 20s and 30s feeling inept and too young. Oftentimes, I would read Paul’s charge to Timothy: “Let no man despise your youth,” (1 Timothy 4:12), and build my faith to act, speak, or perform a certain duty. Prior to these two decades, throughout my teen years, I felt empowered. I grew up outgoing, ready to take on the world, and extremely radical in my belief system. Some even called me opinionated, but I always thought I was right, and therefore, justified in my opinions. 

Gung ho to make changes, incorporate ideas, follow through, and “fix” everything wrong everywhere. Oh, the innocence of my youth! But, oh, to serve the Lord with that same fervor tempered with the wisdom I have gleaned through the years! A personal goal: to serve God completely uninhibited, yet with His wisdom flowing in my life. 

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As a former mathematics teacher and pastor's wife, I encounter many people facing difficult problems in everyday life. I desire to inspire others to push on during times of difficulty. I am a mother of two grown children, and what I lack in personal experience, I have gleaned through the experiences of others. My goal is to encourage through my "Priddy" words.

4 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of a Preacher’s Wife (part 1)”

    1. Thank you! I’ve been writing about it lately in my journal, sharing the stories with others is pretty scary though! All gametes of emotion will be included to be authentic. 😳😊🙏🏼


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